Simple Balance Today

The new reality

Simple Balance Today has arrived!

Has your life ever felt over-complicated, stressful, or overwhelming?  In life, it’s good to have challenges.  Moderate amounts of stress are okay if they are managed well and sometimes give us the motivation and drive to get stuff done.   There is a point, however, where the mind and body feels out of balance.  Some days you feel like you need to get off that hamster wheel!  Simple Balance Today will focus on what steps we can all take to simplify our lives and find a healthy balance.  Taking time for self-care, some healthy alone time and investigating whether a change in lifestyle or priorities may be beneficial. 

At the time of launching this website, the Coronavirus pandemic is dominating world affairs.  Millions of people across the world are now “social distancing” and in “self-isolation” at home.  Many vital establishments have closed down and amazing people on the front line are providing a valuable service and are ensuring many of our basic needs are met.  I have been working on this project for a while now and did not expect to be launching my website at such a life-changing and challenging time.   However, perhaps now is the right moment to offer a different perspective and explore alternative ways for managing our lives.  Where times bring uncertainty, they also bring opportunity.

We are more connected worldwide than ever before, through social media and other online communication channels.  There is rising awareness of injustices and corruption in the world, and a desire for change.  Social media can help to strengthen the mainstream narrative and support the government position, or provide an alternative source of information.   We can feel empowered to seek news stories away from the mainstream.  We can become researchers, investigative reporters, tweeting and sharing news with friends and family.  Effectively creating our own news channels!

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash


What I will be observing in the coming weeks, months and years, is what is being revealed about us as humans in terms of our health and psychological needs, and what this may mean for society in the future.  Some potential questions which I hope to explore are as follows:

  • If we could build society again from scratch, how would life be different?
  • Would people want radical change or subtle changes to the status quo?
  • How could we promote greater social equality?
  • What opportunities are there now to see how we could live and work differently?  
  • What would a more environmentally-friendly and sustainable lifestyle for all look like?
  • Could we have a less consumerist society and more simple approach to life?

It is often regarded as a cliché but that saying “health is wealth” must be at the forefront of many people’s minds at the moment.  What is the use of having lots of money, when you are not well enough to enjoy it? 

Photo by Nadine Primeau on Unsplash

Plug into your internal hard drive

At this time especially, and understandably, there is a strong need to be connected with people online and through other telecommunication methods.  I have seen some encouraging and heart-warming messages of support on social media; people coming up with novel ways to be connected, such as online choirs and group exercise sessions, and huge compassion being felt across communities.  There is a real sense of “being in this together”.  There can, however, be a tendency to continually look outside ourselves for comfort and reassurance.   I know myself that I am often looking for the next tweet, Facebook post or YouTube video to make myself feel better about what’s going on.  However, often the best words of comfort and inspiration come when we spend time alone.  It’s when we meditate; connect with nature; create music and art; write; daydream. 

Many people feel uncomfortable to be on their own for too long and have a strong need to connect with others.  This can in part depend on their upbringing, a psychological need or whether they identify more as an introvert or extrovert.  I love to socialise and spend time with friends and family, and like to forge new relationships. This feeling is even more prevalent now that socialising is restricted.  We do of course have online platforms to connect which are invaluable at this time but this does not replace human presence and sharing the same energy space.  

I also feel comfortable spending time on my own and actually crave alone time when I have had extended periods of social contact.  I need time off to recharge my batteries and disappear into my inner world.  I have actually seen some comments from introverted people on social media talking about “lockdown” i.e. being made to stay home, and severely restrict movement in society, being something that many have been doing for years anyway!  I do spare a thought for the extreme extroverts out there though.  Maybe it’s time to think like an introvert, just for a little while, until normal socialising resumes!  There has never been a better time for reflection and introspection.

It is only when we silent the blaring sounds of our daily existence that we can finally hear the whispers of truth that life reveals to us, as it stands knocking on the doorsteps of our hearts.
K T Jong


Photo by Anton Darius on Unsplash 

With warmest regards. Stay safe.


Click here to find out more about Simple Balance Today.

2 thoughts on “The new reality”

  1. Lovely piece, Susie! I agree that this lockdown period hasn’t all been bad. More time for the self has been good!

  2. A truly insightful look at life, I can’t wait for the next blog. This message was exactly what I needed to hear, thank you Susie x

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