The Concept

So what is Simple Balance Today?

In this increasingly busy world, it is easy to lose sight of what is important.

  • Appreciating the simple things
  • Consuming less 
  • Finding that inner calm and balance
  • Freeing up physical and emotional space
  • Being kind to ourselves and others
  • Eating well and nourishing ourselves
  • Moving more
  • Spending more time in the moment and paying attention

Once we create that space in our mind and find that inner calm and balance, we can begin to allow more loving kindness to ourselves and others.  

“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony”.

Thomas Merton

My mission is to help people to simplify, and find a healthy balance in, all aspects of their lives.  To free up space for the things that matter.  This has been part of a personal quest to resolve my own life challenges and create inner peace. It now feels like the right time to share my learning and connect with others who are on similar paths or want to embark on a journey with me. 

Everyone’s personal life experiences are different.  What makes one person happy and energises them, may bring unhappiness to someone else.  However, I am sure we all share some commonalities when it comes to health and wellbeing which can help unite us all.  More people now, than ever before, are spending time working on their own mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.  There are a plethora of resources out there and support groups.  However, I think as a society there is a still a lot more to do.  

l hope to appeal to someone who is trying to find a happy balance between striving for perfection; being successful in response to societal, personal and peer pressures and living a more peaceful and less stressful life. 

My intention is to expand this website over time to include multiple resources and information on the following topics:

Food and Nutrition

Heart, Body and Mind


Nature and the environment

So why the name?

Simple relates to looking at your life and by stripping out areas that are not important, removing unnecessary clutter and seeing what remains, you can start to see what really matters!  It’s having gratitude for and appreciating the simple things.

Balance is about looking at your human desires, wants and behaviours and restoring balance to areas which feel unbalanced.  This is especially important in the heart, body and mind connection.  This may well manifest itself through stress, anxiety and addictions. 

Today is about spending more time in the present moment and connecting with what is around you.  Many of us spend so much time reliving past mistakes in our mind and worrying about and planning for the future.  Past mistakes can provide important life lessons and thinking about the future can serve a valid purpose too.  However, how often are we actually in the present moment?  Mindfulness can help with this and aid us in striking the right balance.

It’s not about denying yourself all of life’s pleasures, but instead taking Simple steps to achieve Balance in your life Today and every day.  One day at a time.

Click Here for my About Me page.